Meet the Team

A mixture of long-term friends and colleagues, Michiel, Vivien, Michael with David, Linda and Lee; we are the team of Your Digital Self.

We promote Digital Dignity and build easy-to-use tools for you to maintain yours.

Bringing together experiences in digital tech, coaching, economy, game design, marketing, human(istic) development, legal and large networks we aim to help make things a little better for all of us.

Michiel Top

Michiel Top

“As a consultant for strategic positioning, marketing and sales programs for various companies, I was shocked again and again by how easily accessible private information actually is. Around 2017, when I was designing an online customer management system, it occurred to me how we could turn the tables. Then in mid-2020, when my own GDPR application to a well-known data enrichment company failed, I knew something had to be done.”

Vivien Roggero

“For more than 15 years I have worked around personal data and their usages. I have seen laws such as GDPR entering in action and the reality of them.
Your Digital Self is not about applying such laws, it is about giving you tools that will give you back control over your virtual persona and return your digital dignity that have been lost through the years.
We like you, want to create a virtuous circle around how personal data is used, so progress will not depend on governmental pressure but on actual technological solutions.”

Michael Opitz

“It’s about protecting our personal data online and the right to digital privacy for everyone. As a family man, co-founder and part of the great team of Your Digital Self, I am happy to fight for this.

We want every person to have a tool to regain control and the right to their own data. We see making this right available to everyone as our ethical and moral mission, which we will not stop fighting for.”


B Lee Jones

In the era of Big Data, everyone’s information and lifestyle have undergone significant changes, not all of them good. While we enjoy the convenience brought by Big Data, we also suffer from scores of new problems it creates. These include identity theft and sales of personal information as well as disclosure of other private data.

Personal and corporate information security has become an increasingly vital requirement. Technology and procedures to properly protect personal and corporate information data have become more complex and challenging as platforms, applications, and integrated devices exponentially expand the volume and distribution of data.

Trusting the guardianship of personal data to outside sources continues, justifiably to be under close scrutiny. Ideally, the best caretaker of your data is YOU. Envision an environment where you have complete control over who and what has access to your most personal and private information. That is the vision our group has undertaken!

Linda Oldenburg

David Nassim